Getting started with Plug in Elixir
In the Elixir
world, Plug
is the specification that enables different frameworks to talk to different web servers in the Erlang
If you are familiar with Ruby
, Plug
tries to solve the same problem that Rack
does, just with a different approach.
Understanding the basics of how Plug
works will make it easier to get up to speed with Phoenix
, and probably any other web framework
that is created for Elixir
The role of a plug
You can think of a Plug
as a piece of code that receives a data structure, does some sort of transformation, and returns
this same data structure, slightly modified. This data structure that a Plug
receives and returns is usually called connection
and represents everything that there is to know about a request.
As plugs always receive and return a connection
, they can be easily composable, forming what is called a Plug pipeline. Actually,
that is what usually happens. We receive a request, then each plug
transforms this request a little bit and pass the result to the next plug, until we
get a response.
This connection
that our plugs will be dealing with all the time is a simple Elixir
struct, called %Plug.Conn{}
, which is very well documented.
The two types of Plugs
There are two types of Plug
s we can have: Function plugs and module plugs.
A function plug is any function that receives a connection
(that is a %Plug.Conn{}
) and a set of options, and returns a connection
. Here is a simple example of a valid Plug
def my_plug(conn, opts) do
A module plug is any module that implements two functions: init/1
and call/2
, like this:
module MyPlug do
def init(opts) do
def call(conn, opts) do
One interesting characteristic of module plugs is that init/1
is executed in compile time, while call/2
happens at run time.
The value returned by init/1
will be passed to call/2
, making init/1
the perfect place to do any heavy lifting and let
run as fast as possible at run time.
A simple example
To try to make things more concrete, let’s create a simple application that uses a plug to handle an http request.
First, create a project with mix
$ mix new learning_plug
Then cd
into the project’s directory and edit mix.exs
adding Plug
and Cowboy
(the web server) as dependencies:
defp deps do
[{:plug, "~> 1.0"},
{:cowboy, "~> 1.0"}]
Now run mix deps.get
to install these dependencies and we should be good to start.
Our first plug will simply return a “Hello, World!” text:
defmodule LearningPlug do
# The Plug.Conn module gives us the main functions
# we will use to work with our connection, which is
# a %Plug.Conn{} struct, also defined in this module.
import Plug.Conn
def init(opts) do
# Here we just add a new entry in the opts map, that we can use
# in the call/2 function
Map.put(opts, :my_option, "Hello")
def call(conn, opts) do
# And we send a response back, with a status code and a body
send_resp(conn, 200, "#{opts[:my_option]}, World!")
To use this plug, open iex -S mix
and run:
Plug.Adapters.Cowboy.http(LearningPlug, %{})
{:ok, #PID<0.150.0>}
Here we use the Cowboy
adapter, and tell it to use our plug. We also need to pass an options
value that will
be used by init/1
This should have started a Cowboy
web server on port 4000, so if you open http://localhost:4000
you should see the “Hello, World!” message.
This was simple enough. Let’s just try to make this plug
a bit smarter and return a response based on the URL we hit,
so if we access http://localhost:4000/Name
, we should see “Hello, Name”.
I said that a connetion
represents everything there is to know about a request, and that includes the request path. We can just pattern match
on this request path to create the response we want. Let’s change the call/2
function to be like this:
def call(%Plug.Conn{request_path: "/" <> name} = conn, opts) do
send_resp(conn, 200, "Hello, #{name}")
And that’s it. We pattern match the connection
to extract just the information we want, the name, and then send the response we want back to
the web server.
Pipelines, because one ant is no ant
gets more interesting when you start composing multiple plugs together, each one doing a small task and handing a modified connection
to the next.
, the web framework, uses these pipelines in a clever way. By default, if we are handling a normal browser request, we have a pipeline like this:
pipeline :browser do
plug :accepts, ["html"]
plug :fetch_session
plug :fetch_flash
plug :protect_from_forgery
plug :put_secure_browser_headers
In case we are handling an api request, we don’t need most of these things, so we can have a simpler pipeline just for our api:
pipeline :api do
plug :accepts, ["json"]
Now, this pipeline
is a Phoenix
abstraction, but Plug
gives us an easy way to build our own pipelines: Plug.Builder
Here’s an example of how it works:
defmodule MyPipeline do
# We use Plug.Builder to have access to the plug/2 macro.
# This macro can receive a function or a module plug and an
# optional parameter that will be passed unchanged to the
# given plug.
use Plug.Builder
plug Plug.Logger
plug :extract_name
plug :greet, %{my_option: "Hello"}
def extract_name(%Plug.Conn{request_path: "/" <> name} = conn, opts) do
assign(conn, :name, name)
def greet(conn, opts) do
|> send_resp(200, "#{opts[:my_option]}, #{}")
Here we combined three plugs, Plug.Logger
, extract_name
and greet
The extract_name
uses assign/3
to assign a value to a key in this connection. assign/3
returns a modified connection
, that
is then handed to the greet
plug, that basically reads this assigned value to create the response we want.
is shipped with Plug
and, as you probably guessed, is used to log our http requests. A bunch of useful plugs like this
are available out of the box, you can find the list and descriptions in the docs (“Available Plugs” section).
Using this pipeline is as simple as using a single plug:
Plug.Adapters.Cowboy.http MyPipeline, %{}
One important thing to keep in mind is that the plugs will always be executed in the order they are defined in the pipeline.
Another interesting thing is that these pipelines created with Plug.Builder
are also plugs, so we can have pipelines that are
composed by other pipelines.
And to sum up
The main idea is that we have our request represented as a %Plug.Conn{}
, and this struct is passed from function to function, being
slightly modified in each step, until we have a response that can be sent back. Plug
is a specification that defines how this should work
and creates an abstractions so multiple frameworks can talk to multiple web server, as long as they are respecting the specification.
It also ships with these convenience modules that make it easier to do a lot of things that are common to most applications, like creating pipelines, simple routers, dealing with cookies, headers, etc.
In the end of the day, it’s just that simple functional programming idea of passing data through functions until we get the result we want, and in this case the data happens to be an http request.
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